
Mini-Kitchen Humor

During our hotel stay in California, Ms. A managed to learn to do one thing very well. Open and close the refrigerator door to our "kitchen." She would do this all day, every day if it was her pleasure. When she felt the need to get a drink, she'd open up the fridge, grab her sippy cup, take a drink and then put it back on the shelf. Quiet comical, I might add. Or, if we needed to grab something from the fridge we would simply ask A to help us out.

The Iron Chef and I may have to continue this "fetching" because it may come in handy when we need something at our new house. It would be a win-win situation. She feels like she's helping and we, as parents, can take pride in knowing that our children can help us out as well. Kind of like the whole chore thing that our parents passed along to us when we were younger. I guess Ms. A is just starting to get a feel for the whole "helping" around the house. Or in this case, the hotel room.

I seriously should have taken pictures of our hotel room. Jam packed full of things for our apartment (which we thought we'd be living in for more than 2 weeks), all of our belongings, a make shift baby room shoved in the corner with a pack 'n play and a blanket attached to a picture frame, etc, etc. You get the picture.

Without further hesitation, here are a few pictures from some classic "Ms. A" getting things from the fridge moments.

Heading to the refrigerator

Opening fridge. Perfect size.

Realizing her green sippy cup is not in the fridge where it is supposed to be.

Fetch, retrieve.

Mission accomplished.

And, although you'd never guess it from these pictures, we did have a great time in California. The weather was beautiful, warm and we're excited to be relocating to sunny CA. But, from the faces of Ms. A ... our mini trip to CA was anything but a vacation.