
This Picture Makes Me Laugh

This picture makes me laugh, and on so many different levels. Big meet little. Little meet big. However, the little sister apparently looks 800 times larger than her little sister. Too funny.

"Little" O was getting a little cranky, ready for bed so I told Miss A she could lay her down and rub her belly to calm her down. So, she did. She takes up an entire body length worth of space but Miss A thought she was super special to stop O from crying.


Goodbye Helmet

Goodbye cranial orthotic therapy and our beloved helmets. Little O is officially finished with her therapy. This has been a long, drawn out process since August 2011. After the age of 1, cranial therapy becomes less effective as the skull fuses together and growth drastically slows down. Over the last 2 months we have seen super minimal growth and minimal change. Since our last appointment 4 weeks ago, Little O's head didn't grow or change at all. Needless to say, we hit that "wall" in our therapy.

Starting at an 11 mm difference from left to right, we ended therapy with a 4 mm difference. Drastic improvement! She still has some assymetrical aspects to her face and ear missalignment, but this is something we will simply have to deal with. Or, shall I say, she will. Certain hairstyles, etc will always be important to her.

However, after all is said and done. I couldn't be happier with the results. I'm happy we selected this long process for our little one because we did see results and noticeable results. She can now go on to be our spunky, little 1-year-old and enjoy life without her helmet.


Sleep Over Sisters

A rainy day. We were pulling out all kinds of tricks this afternoon because I did.not.want.to.leave.the.house.in.the.rain.with.two.kids.and.one.pregnant.momma. So ... we stayed indoors all afternoon.

We had a sleepover as I "attempted" to put clothes away and get organized in O's bedroom. Not such luck. Can you see all the mess in the background?

Here's a sleepover picture of the girls from April 2011.

And then from today. It's amazing how quickly these two little girls grown into big girls. Time goes by too fast. If you simply look at the length of Little O's hair, you can tell that time has past. Miss A looks older and Miss O is defining her personality. I just love these two little ones.


Our Ever Growing Family

There's a new flavor for the Chef family. New cravings around the house.

Pickles + Ice Cream. Coming August 2012.

Okay, I'm not really craving pickles and ice cream. But yes, there will be a new addition to the Chef family coming August 2012. Lots of excitement for our family this year. A 1st birthday, Miss A turns 4, baby #3 due at the end of summer! A crazy year indeed!

I'm FINALLY feeling better and my energy levels are returning. It's been a rough couple of months.

Happy Birthday, Miss A!

My sweet little A turned 4 yesterday. Happy Birthday!

And a sneak peak at Miss A's birthday party that was held at The Little Gym.