
Throw Back Thursday

The iron chef and I have know each other  for several years. Two pictures for throw back Thursday. Homecoming 1998. 


Sisters. Best friends. Well, most of the time anyway. Absolutely love these girls. 


Frozen Hairstyle Day

And then there were three. Poor S usually doesn't make the cut in pictures. She's sleeping, busy playing or sitting down while the other girls are kneeling. Here she is. 

Or, she isn't in pictures since she has no hair! 

We had a frozen themed hair style day. The girls wanted to look like Anna and Elsa. Mission accomplished!

A Big Fall

Little Miss S took a tumble off the couch and into the table. Whoops! 

A New Office!

Our furniture finally arrived. The pieces look amazing and we cannot wait to decorate and get everything finished. 


Spring Weather

Loving the sunshine, warmth, and UP sunglasses :) 


Happy Valentine's Day!

Love these little munchkins. 



In the same day that my sweet Miss A handed me an adorable valentines day card, she was also caught writing naughty words during homework time... 

Yes, that's an attempt to spell "butt" over and over again. 

Valentine Card

This kindergartener makes me smile. She had to decode the bottom message for me. She's asking for gum. 


Big Shoes to Fill

This little girl loves adult shoes. She wears "big" shoes when she can get her hands on a pair, she discourses shoes, encourages people to take them off after entering through the door, and the list goes in. She's so patient to walk around the house im in shows ten sizes too big. 


Late Night Outside Play

We finally had an evening warm enough to play outside for a little bit last week, it was nice for the girls to get some much needed fresh air. 

We had shows and free entertainment t on the front door steps. 

Sick Kiddo

Our poor S has been a sick little one this week. Cough, congestion, snotty, shortness of breath, pre bronchitis wheezing. Two Dr visits and an albuterol inhaler and we are still healing. Not a fun week!



Here at the Chef House, we are organizing, purging, donating, and making our house orderly. Life never really organized itself after our move. With the new year, it's time. One step, one closet at a time. 



Still a few items needing organized in the closet. But, much better! Art supplies are organized and labeled and everything has a place where it belongs. 

Now, onto the next area. 


Snow Days!

We are on snow day #4. Yes, even a 5,000 sq ft house gets old after being cooped up for days. "Yes, little S, I know. I'm ready for school to start back up again, too!"