
Miss A: Another Update

We've officially started antiobiotic injections. Definitely not fun for a 3-year-old. The doctor must do these injections because of the type of medicine that has to be administered. The nurse had to hold down her legs, I had to hold her arms and her chest and she screamed like heck! It's definitely sad to see your little one go through things like this.

We went to Target after the big experience and I let her pick out anything she wanted in the store. We passed the barbies, the princesses, the dolls. What did she pick? A book. She said, "Mom, I want a book." I asked her to look around and find any book she wanted. She selected, "Olivia and her Two Babies." How cute! :)

Then, we relived the entire "shot" experience later before bed as bath time was upon us and she saw the bandaids again. She hates bandaids to begin with (I know, what little kid doesn't like bandaids) and she told me I can never take them off! Wait until she has a collection of 3 on her little legs.

We have another injection today and then another round on Friday. On Friday the doctor will reassess to determine if we have any next steps/action plans. Fingers crossed and praying!


The Goats Are In Town

Remember last year when the goats were in town? Well ... THEY ARE BACK! In fact, they are in our backyard (almost). Our little area of our subdivision backs up to a wild life area and the goats are grazing in our part of the ravine. We visited them two times today. It was a great way to enjoy the warm weather and beat that nasty fever Miss A has right now. She needed the fresh air just as much as I did.


Miss A: Update

We're back to the doctor again tomorrow. I'm afraid we have injections and possibly ENT ahead of us. Fever was back up to 100'F today; however, they couldn't fit us into the schedule today. Here we go again!


A New Doll!

Miss O received a package from a college friends' family. Miss A has the same doll. They are absolutely adorable!!!

When Miss A helped open the package and saw the doll, she immediately ran upstairs to her bedroom to get her matching doll. Matching dolls for sisters - how incredibly special! Or, at least to a three-year-old, it's pretty cool!

And the best part of this picture ... the huge hairbow! Bows actually stay in Miss O's hair these days. I don't even need a headband because she has so much hair!


As I mentioned, yesterday Miss A STILL HAD A FEVER. I'm tired, I'm exhausted and my hubby has been working incredibly long hours, days and nights. Most days he's working 26 hours days ... if that's even possible.

Here's a picture the Iron Chef snapped of me. It's exactly how I feel. I look like crud in this picture. I've showered, but that's about all. Both girls want to be held, and this day was especially bad with Miss O needing a lot of attention, which set Miss A off on a whole new level of tantrums. Poor thing!

I just don't have enough hands these days!


Miss A: Another Update

I keep thinking her fever will break. Nope. It was back again around 100'F this morning about 2 hours after she woke up (fever free at first). The doctor thinks the fever is still coming from just her ear infection, nothing else. At least that's one good sign. We're still on the second form of antibiotics. The doctor thought we should give it another shot before moving to injectables. Her ear infection had about a 1% improvement, so she thought there would be a chance with this new antibiotic. If she still has a fever, we'll be back into the doctors office again tomorrow. This time, we'll start shots. Two injects a day for 3 days. If that doesn't work, we schedule an appointment with the ENT and she will probably have tubs in her ears or a procedure to drain the fluid and help with the infection.

Miss A simply CANNOT hear right now. That's how bad her ear infection is right now. She asks to have everything repeated, the volume turned up on the television, etc, etc. Poor thing!

It's really hard to keep her laying low. REALLY hard. We've watched about 100 movies and television shows. I just don't want her to catch anything else. Everytime we start playing, she'll start coughing really hard (yes, she still has a horrible cough/cold bug) and her fever kicks back in gear.

The benefit of the television watching? She's really learning her letters, sounds of letters, etc. We've watched LeapFrog several times. This has been an area we've been working with and she's finally making huge progress!

As usual, we're praying and hoping for another better day. She misses her friends (and I miss my mom friends), but we're doing what's best - laying low and hopefully getting better!

A Few New Videos

One of Miss A, another of Miss O. These are from two weeks ago before the sickness and fever hit our house.


Miss A: Back to Dr

Fever still hovering right below 100'F. We are back to the dr again today. The doctor said we will probably have to move onto antibiotic shots next. Urine result came back negative for urinary tract infection so we have more tests scheduled to determine result of blood in urine. All symptoms the same, except pink eye. MAJOR improvement.

It's been a long week ...


Miss A: Update

Fever still lingering on - 99.7. MUCH lower than it has been (that's with ibuprofen). The doctor put Miss A on a new, stronger antibiotic. If the fever continues, we'll be back in again on Friday. This time? Antiobiotic shots. Let's hope for the best with this round of medications.

All My Favorites

Here's a snapshot of a few of the family pictures we had taken a few weekends ago.

Definitely my favorites. Almost 7-years of a wonderful marriage with my husband. A spunky (usually) 3-year-old daughter. And, lastly, our precious little one, Miss O.

After seeing these pictures I realize my post baby weight loss has a long way to go. With wedding festivities and bathing suit season in the very near future, I'm definitely on a weight loss mission.

Day 6: Still Has Fever

It's definitely not fun at all to have sick kids. Miss A was sick (the coming out both ends kind of sick) right before she turned 1-year-old. Besides the normal cold/flu symptoms, she really hasn't had anything major since then. It's just hard seeing your kids in this state. She asks me everyday, "When am I going to get better, Mom?" It's so sad to hear her say this.

Here we are, day 6, and she still has a fever. We are headed back to the doctor this afternoon, unfortunately. Hopefully for more meds that will help her.

Praying and hoping, again, for a better tomorrow.


Miss A Update

Well, our trip to the doctor yesterday was very successful in finding out a few of the culprits to her fever, chills, aches, and everything in between.

In addition to a horrible cold, she has a double ear infection, pink eye, and blood in urine, which they are treating as a urinary tract infection and sending urine off to lab for more tests.

Poor thing!

Things Are Starting to Get Serious!

Miss O received another little package in the mail (her second) from Mr. T, a cute little fellow Spartan fan born November of last year. I'd like to think that things are starting to get serious. :) hehe. I'm sure they'll date once they attend Michigan State together. Or at least she'll be able to dream, right? Considering his dad was Sparty, I'm sure he'll have quite the line-up of girls waiting for him.

Isn't this bib the truth? :)

Thanks Mr. T!


Sick Kiddos

The Chef family is going through quite a plaque these days. We can't seem to find the sick bugs and germs that are going around. Here's a picture of Miss A to prove it!

She has been the worst by far. Literally miserable. She has horrible congestion, a cold in her eyes, pink eye (we think), high fever, chills, and the list could go on. She has a doctor appointment late this afternoon, which will hopefully give us some explanation to what's going on.

Needless to say, I've been pretty busy. With a little baby, a super busy husband and a sick kiddo, no time to blog for me! In fact, I think Miss O's cold and congestion is returning. I would have thought the lysol, constant hand washing, detoxing of everything would be helping, but we can't seem to rid this bug!

Hoping for a better week.


Happy St. Patricks Day!

Happy green day to everyone ~ and, happy Spartans play basketball day as well. Unfortunately, MSU didn't play well (story of the entire season) so the girls really weren't too thrilled to be sporting their Sparty Green!


A New Stroller

It's much easier getting around with two little girls with a big stroller, rather than pushing one and lugging the other. We've been test driving this stroller (we're borrowing from a friend) while I decide if I want to purchase this one or find another one. I'm honestly hoping Miss A outgrows the "I want to be in a stroller" phase because she needs the extra exercise. She used to walk with me to the park (just under a mile there and back) and how she rides in the stroller. I think it's because of her sister, I sure hope so!

Here is our new set of wheels!


New Hair Yo-Yo's

Thanks to Nana, Miss A and Miss O have a new set of hairbows - yoyo's! Get ready to see more of these. I just love them!



The little sister of our household has been referred to as "Viv" by her older sister because she can't quite say her 'L's'. Today, "Viv" was all smiles.

She has a little bit of a stuffy nose and thankful she was still smiling. I forgot how hard it is to deal with a baby with a stuffed up nose. They just can't breathe out of their little mouth and only want to breathe out of their nose.

Miss O - all smiles.


The French Laundry

Although we weren't able to actually eat at this restaurant, we managed to take a few pictures for my brother, a foodie!

The French Laundry has been named time and time again one of the best restaurants in America. Located in Yountville, CA, it was our first time visiting the restaurants' location to snap a few pictures.

After hearing about the wonderful chef, Thomas Keller, and the 7-course meal options, I think I may add this to my meal wish list.


The California Family

My absolute favorites. This is a picture from our first family overnight with Miss O (which was a success).

Picture taken outside of Franciscan Winery.

Wine Club

Never say never, right?

But the Chef family has joined a wine club.

We recently went on a Sonoma and Napa Valley mini two day vacation. It was our 6th or so time in wine country and as usual, we had a blast. The Iron Chef wonders why we haven't joined a club in the past. There are so many great benefits, of which we were able to thoroughly enjoy.

Such as, private tasting rooms ...

... and a cozy fireplace to sit and keep a sleeping baby content.


A New Sling

I lived and breathed by the Baby Bjorn w/ Miss A. And, she was much smaller than Miss O. However, for Miss O, she loves being swaddled and wrapped up - the baby bjorn was too free feeling for her and I knew it was time to invest in a sling. Hopefully she'll like the Baby Bjorn sometime, but for now, here's how Miss O rides around the house and at the park! She LOVES her new sling.


3rd Birthday - Doggie Party

Miss A celebrated her birthday with just family. Small, quiet, just like her! She has been so shy these last few months (and me overwhelmed with a new baby) that we decided on a small birthday. My parents and sister were in town so there were a few family members to help celebrate. The theme - dogs! It's the party she wanted and she picked out the cupcakes she wanted as well.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Miss A!


One-Month Old

Miss O celebrated her one-month birthday. :) I can't believe how much she's grown already - hair included. And, she has been much more alert these last few days and I was actually able to capture several eyes open photos. Her features are definitely dark. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.