
Point Lobos - Vacation Part #2

Point Lobos has been called "the greatest meeting of land and water in the world." I'm not sure where this quote came from (besides the obvious ... the state parks' website), but during the Chef Family visit to Point Lobos, the views, nature and our surrounds were breathtaking! Absolutely amazing. We were within inches of deer, squirrels, quail, and could almost touch the sea lions in the water.

We knew our visit would be something special when we pulled into a parking lot that looked like this (see below). TONS of cars.

These were not just regular cars, they were cars full of divers and diving equipment. It was such a neat experience to see the divers first hand. If you look closely you can even see a few buoys in the water where the divers were diving. With the beautiful water and cliffs, the reefs, apparently, are amazing.

Just a few more pictures from our stop to Point Lobos.

Do you see the deer just to the right of the Iron Chef?


Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

What a gorgeous area!!! In one of the pics, the water was so green it looked like Mexico!

Unknown said...

Jamie - OMG I totally LOVE the vertical pic - 5th one down. You took that? It's amazingly beautiful. You should try and get it published. Or just email me a high-res copy to hang in my house. Seriously, that's one is ART. Looks like a neat place to tour around.