It seems like only yesterday that I would feed Ava every 3 hours and babywear here for every nap. I'm not sure how I would have made it without my baby bjorn. The front pack was the start to getting Ava to nap on her own.
7:00 am - feed
7:23 am - stop feeding
7:55 am - attemp nap, lots of yawns
8:00 am - crying hysterically, had to pick up to comfort, comfort in crib didn't work
8:07 am - down again for nap
8:35am - crying
8:38 am - consoled her
9:45 am - 10:17 - feed (just under 3 oz)
11:04 am - front pack, fussy started
1:55 pm - fed 3 ounces, screamed when I took away bottle. Added .5 more ounces
4:37 pm - finished 2.5 ounce bottle
(I was obviously too tired to finish the rest of the day with our itinerary; and then picked back up again at night)
11:42 pm - fed
The life is a little babe and how dependent they are upon their parents. Makes me feel loved and I know that Ava loved it as well.
Which, brings me to the actual point of the baby bjorn. Ha. I was probably referred to as the crazy lady in Kennewick that would do anything (within the limits) while baby wearing. I'd work outside in the yard, go for walks, get the mail, chat with neighbors, pick up the house, email, etc. I guess you get used to the fact that you are baby wearing and love that you are able to calm a completely fussy, colicy, crying child.
A little blast from the past. My how much time has changed in a little over one year. That post was from 4/16/08 and today is 5/16/09. Crazy how fast little ones change.
Today, she is sleeping like a baby in her crib. There are no bumpers, she falls asleep on her own, and only takes 2 naps a day. She's approaching size 4 diapers, is completely weaned off all bottles and has been for some time now, loves her silky blankies and will carry them all around the house, and is still a binky-loving baby.
Don't blink. Seriously. She's growing up so fast.
Note: Her favorites at naptime - binky in mouth and lots of blankies in bed. For Ava, that is the perfect nap time combination. For mommy, it was a wonderful bliss once this miracle equation was created because as can be seen from her schedule up above, she wasn't a sleeper. Now, we both can rest peacefully.
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