
Polka dot Pink

Pink polka dots and a red jungle gym.

The faces and joys of our babe. And, Harmony Ridge, our favorite park. She is definitely getting a little mind of her own as well. The faces of this child are endless. Endlessly amusing and entertaining as well.

She has also turned into our Bark Babe. I don't mean the kind of barking that a dog does, but the kind of bark that is on the ground at parks. We've already had several rounds of slivers in her little hands and fingers, but somehow I just can't keep her out of the stuff. It's tempting. I guess I'd say bark is her equivalent of chocolate to me. Make sense?

And the sweetest of them all? This picture below. Ms. A LOVE LOVE LOVES to sit on the front door. Although not close to a seat, the ledge is perfect for her round pumpkin butt and she'll sit here for hours. I purposefully go outside and read the mail and sort through bills outside on the front porch so she can sit on her "chair" for a few minutes. She has a routine somewhat like a dog. She'll sometimes do a circle, and then start walking backwards with her butt already halfway sitting down. Then finally, she'll plop down. It's adorable.