
Blackberry Pictures from this week

We've been BUSY this week. Last minute shopping, wrapping, house cleaning, etc. And, I am completely wiped out. This pregnancy is taking a toll on me these days - I'm getting more tired and it takes me about 200% longer to finish a task than it used to. Plus, we're dealing with a toddler that just learned how to use the big girl potty and running errands usually takes at least 1-2 trips to the bathroom (if not more). So ... we are all drained and anxiously awaiting Christmas over here at the Chef Family household.

Two pictures from this week. Sorry for the low quality, they are from a blackberry.

One with Kegel (yes, the Iron Chef named this one in honor of Always Sunny) the Elf in the playroom.

Another picture of Miss A decked out in her new gear.