
1st Haircut

Baby curls and wispy hairs are no longer (just minimal) on the head of Ms. A. I broke down and had her haircut on Saturday while still vacationing in Michigan. Her hair was starting to get very stringy at the ends and was in need of a little reshaping. And, I decided I would forgo the normal "kiddie salon" with princess and race car chairs and I opted for a real salon and a real hair-do rather than a straight across the back cut. With Ms. A in training to be a flower girl, I wanted a cute little girl haircut that would suit her for the summer as well as for the wedding.

So ... thanks to Glamazon Artistic Hair Culture in Muskegon, MI and our families favorite stylist, she now has a cute, layered bob similar to Suri Cruise when she was younger - minus the bangs - they are growing out and doing quite well I might add.

My little baby is turning into a little girl.


Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

She looks absolutely darling and you do too with your toned little skinny arms!!!